This series is known for its beautiful full-color images. The description in large text is simple enough for young readers or for a parent to guide a child through.
There are also picture captions that provide more information to talk about with your child. Alternatively, a child of any age (even the child in you) can just look at the images and appreciate their beauty.
This book depicts the wonder of the world of dinosaurs in all its glory. Children are given a well-rounded understanding of these magnificent creatures: their anatomy, feeding habits, and behavior. The following dinosaurs are featured:
The fierce Allosaurus
The gentle Brachiosaurus
The deadly Deinonychu
The awesome Diplodocus
The strange Elasmosaurus
The spiky Kentrosaurus
The tiny Peteinosaurus
The huge Plateosaurus
The flying Pteranodon
The slow Stegosaurus
The powerful Tylosaurus
The awesome Tyrannosaurus
*** Your child will love it – this is guaranteed.***